I haven't launched some new posts recently as I have paid very hard attention in my French, and I have to entertain my friends from France.
今日介紹既配搭係出席一個friend 生日既girls pre-drink party,之後落去clubbing。
The sharing of today is feminine style again!~
This time, I am attending the girls pre-drink party for my friend's birthday, then clubbing in Central.
今日介紹既配搭係出席一個friend 生日既girls pre-drink party,之後落去clubbing。
The sharing of today is feminine style again!~
This time, I am attending the girls pre-drink party for my friend's birthday, then clubbing in Central.
(1) 眼睫毛Fake eyelashes - 千緹 #711 (眼影都係化左一個深啡, 費事同個唇妝太搶)
(1) 耳環 Earrings
Snapshot for Pre Drink
If you want to know more about ME, check out the place as below!!!!LOL~
Instagram: #sashawongmua
Website: http://www.sashawongmakeup.com/
Fanpiece Page: http://women.fanpiece.com/sashawongmakeup/
Inquiries: info@sashawongmakeup.com